Uniform Store » Dress Code

Dress Code



The John Adams Academy Uniform and Dress Code is an integral part of our Culture of Greatness. Based on the principles of modesty, cleanliness and professionalism, it is designed to elevate scholars focus, create unity among the scholar body, and remove distractions from the learning environment.  Scholars are always accountable for maintaining proper dress and grooming standards. As scholars dress each morning, their uniform should be a reminder that they are a part of John Adams Academy, that they are taking on the distinctive role of scholar, and are preparing to become servant leaders.


John Adams Academy is committed to a standard of dress that is appropriate in a school committed to high standards of excellence. The strictly enforced uniform policy frees the faculty and scholars to address the serious business of teaching and learning.  Scholars should be noticed for their academic progress and success, not their appearance, clothing, or accessories.


On Campus

While on campus, the dress code/uniform policy applies.


Off Campus

John Adams Academy Scholars are expected to wear the approved uniform for all off-campus Academy events or activities, unless specific permission has been granted.


Spirit Days

Throughout the year, on designated Spirit Days, scholars will be allowed to dress according to instructions given for the day. Scholars will be expected to dress in acceptable and modest attire conducive to learning and maintaining a respectful school culture. Scholars who do not adhere to the given instructions may lose Spirit Day privileges in the future.


Examples of inappropriate dress include, but are not limited to: visible underwear, boxers, thongs or bra straps; exposed midriff or cleavage, strapless tops or tank tops; pajamas; pointed metal, chains, sharp or studded jewelry; and lettering, aside from John Adams Academy logo; or bare socks or feet. Swimming trunks and bathing suits, when appropriate for the event, will be modest, fit properly and cover the midriff for female scholars.


Academy-Sponsored Dances

While the uniform is not required, scholars are expected to adhere to the same minimum standard and coverage as the daily uniform. Modesty will be expected: no bare skin through clothing, no sheer or midriff, no low-cut or revealing clothing, and shorts will not be allowed. Dresses must have a minimum two (2) inch-wide strap and dresses and skirts must touch the knee.



Dress code violations will be addressed by staff and/or administration. Any scholar who arrives at school in nonconforming clothes will be provided with a clean, loaner uniform for the day, and may have their parents contacted for violation of this policy. Parents may also be contacted to bring in proper uniform clothing if the dress code violation cannot be resolved on campus (e.g., if scholar refuses to wear a policy-compliant loaner uniform provided by John Adams Academy or to correct items of appearance such as addressing a disruptive hairstyle). Any further dress code issues will be brought up on an individual basis, keeping in mind the goal of creating an environment of learning. Habitual unexcused non-compliance may result in mandatory parent conference with administration. No scholar will be assigned any disciplinary, academic, or other penalty for failure to purchase a uniform. However, scholars may face disciplinary actions as John Adams Academy provides support regarding uniforms as described herein.


Since John Adams Academy is a school of choice and no one is mandated to attend, scholars and parents who refuse to comply with the uniform policy should consider whether John Adams Academy is the appropriate school for them. Scholars are expected to live the Academy’s 10th Core Value of self-governance, personal responsibility, and accountability. John Adams Academy reserves the right to interpret the appropriateness of scholar dress and grooming.


Provision of Uniforms/Uniform Store

A uniform-compliant John Adams Academy logo embroidered polo shirt (red, white, or navy) and one uniform slack or skirt (as required for secondary scholars) will be made available to each newly admitted John Adams Academy scholar. Donations to help offset the costs of the uniforms for new scholars are welcome, appreciated, and voluntary. www.johnadamsacademy.org/uniform The uniform store maintains a complete line of approved uniform polo shirts, uniform-style slacks and skirts. Scholars should make every effort to secure these uniform items from the uniform store. Any scholar who needs assistance with identifying or obtaining compliant uniform clothing, has size issues, or other concerns related to acquiring uniforms should contact the school office or Dean directly.



 The following items are included in the official uniform.


Approved John Adams Academy logo polo or blouse from the uniform store. Shirts must fit properly so they are not too tight, revealing or baggy.


Slacks - Secondary

Approved John Adams Academy khaki or navy slacks from the uniform store.  Slacks must fit properly so they are not too tight, revealing or baggy.

Pants – Elementary
Solid navy or khaki uniform-style pants (see e.g., the uniform store). Pants must be plain with no ornamentation or designs. Pants must be clean and in good repair and fit appropriately (i.e., no baggy, oversized, or tight fitting pants). Capri-length, or cargos with pockets, sweatpants, jeans/denim, skinny pants, corduroy, Lycra/Spandex are not permitted. Belts, if worn, must be black.


Skirts - Secondary

Approved John Adams Academy skirts—navy, khaki, and Hamilton plaid from the uniform store. Skirts must fit properly so they are not too tight or revealing.


Skirts, Dresses, and Jumpers - Elementary

Must be long enough to reach the knee. Bohemian-style or maxi skirts are not permitted. Must be in good repair and appropriately fitting, i.e. not tight fitting.

Skirts (TK-6th): Solid navy or khaki uniform style skirts, plain without any ornamentation, designs or cargo pockets. Hamilton plaid skirts from the uniform store are also permitted.


Dresses (TK-2nd): Only logo embroidered dresses from the uniform store allowed for TK-2nd grade scholars.

Jumpers (TK-3rd): Only Hamilton plaid jumpers from the uniform store allowed for TK-3rd grade scholars.



Solid red, white, navy or black in good repair, without designs or ornamentation and may only be worn under uniform skirts. Leggings may not be worn as pants or slacks.



Shoes should be solid black-- no patterns (e.g., logos, stripes etc.), neon colors, jewels/embellishment, lights or white toes (Converse-style). Plain, solid black athletic or dress shoes are allowed. Closed or open toed sandals with back support are allowed as weather permits.  Shoelaces must be black and tied at all times. No boots, slippers, clogs, Heelys, cowboy boots or any other inappropriate shoe. Rain boots may be worn outside during rainy weather, but must be removed prior to entering the classroom.



Solid red, white, navy or black in good repair, without designs or ornamentation. (Also applies to tights and leggings.)


Hairstyles, Grooming, Accessories

Must be conservative, no unnatural colors or patterns (dyed hair tips, streaks), spikes, or drastic cuts, including, but not limited to mohawks.  Hairstyles should not cover the eyes or face.  

All scholars shall not have multiple piercings or body piercings, extreme or excessive jewelry, spiked jewelry or chains.


Boys: Clean-shaven (no facial hair) without piercings.

Girls: One pair of conservative earrings allowed. Make-up must be conservative.

Girl’s conservative hair accessories are allowed in red, white and navy. Hats, hoods or sunglasses are not to be worn inside at any time.


            Inclement Weather

Long Sleeve Tops: To stay warm in colder weather, scholars may wear a solid red, white or navy (no visible logo) long-sleeve undergarment (e.g., turtleneck or athletic) under their John Adams Academy polo uniform shirt.

Also, solid red, white, navy or black tights or long underwear may be worn under uniform slacks and skirts for colder conditions.

See www.johnadamsacademy.org/uniform for uniform store. Any scholar who needs assistance with identifying or obtaining compliant uniform clothing, has size issues, or other concerns related to acquiring uniforms should contact the school office or Dean directly.




Knee-length, uniform-style solid navy or khaki shorts. No cargo shorts. (see uniform store).


TK-6th Boys and Girls: Only

7th-12th Boys and Girls: Not permitted



Inside of Academy buildings/classroom (Applies to jackets, sweaters, vests, sweatshirts, hats, etc.):


Outerwear is not considered part of the official uniform. For colder conditions, see “Inclement Weather” above in the official uniform section.  Only outerwear purchased from the uniform store or other Board approved vendor with the John Adams Academy logo may be worn inside the building or during class (see website) and should only be worn when necessary (e.g., during cold conditions where the official uniform is insufficient). In the unusual event of extreme cold temperature for which an approved undergarment or approved outerwear is insufficient, allowances will be made for non-uniform jackets worn by scholars on such dates.


Outside of Academy buildings/classroom it is strongly encouraged that scholars wear approved John Adams Academy outerwear purchased through a Board approved vendor. Otherwise, scholars must use the following guidelines:


Outerwear must be solid red, white, navy, or black and free from pictures, logos, lettering, or designs (except for John Adams Academy logo). Must be worn properly, not inside out.

Beanies must be solid red, navy, black, or white and must be free from pictures, logos, lettering, or designs (except for John Adams Academy logo). Beanies, hats and hoods are not to be worn indoors (unless in the unusual event of extreme cold temperature as determined by John Adams Academy).

P.E./Physical Fitness Uniform (7th-12th grade):

Dressing for PE is an option for secondary scholars. If a scholar chooses to exercise this option, P.E. uniforms are available at the uniform store on campus websites.

P.E. shoes should be an athletic shoe with support. Non-black athletic shoes are acceptable only during P.E. or physical mentor courses. Black-soled shoes are not allowed in the MPR or on any gymnasium floor.



Scholars who require accommodations (e.g., religious, medical, etc.) from this uniform policy should make such requests with their Dean.


Board Approved 20191213