Your El Dorado Hills campus is committed to a safe and efficient drop off and pick up for your scholar. Please take some time to determine what color line you are following and learn more using the maps and videos below.
Additionally, we are always looking for volunteers to help with driveline. The more help we get, the more effeciently we can run our process. Gain some volunteer hours and join campus safety for arrival and departure times! Email [email protected] to get signed up.
Printable Windshield Template

to come off Latrobe business park entrance #2 or #3. (Look for the big green sign with the white
number 2 or 3 on it). Our goal is to get our traffic off of Latrobe as much as possible.
afterwards. Please use business park entrance #4 and proceed straight to the Red Zone entrance.
This is a small number of families and cannot be alloted to the larger group of families with both
elementary and secondary.
For 7th&8th pick up M-TH: We will be waiting at the stop sign located at the 4 way stop of
Investment BLVD and Robert J. Mathews (RJM). We are planning to release cars at
approximately 2:30pm Monday-Thursday to enter the school Driveline. This will happen at
approximately 12:10pm on Fridays. Waiting at the stop sign will not be necessary for AM drop
The Red Zone Only Families will enter on the northwest entrance of 1102. You will be
directed to the 2 lane stacking area. Reference maps.
You will merge back into one lane and this follows the back side of the 1102 building.
Please pull all the way forward before loading your scholar.
You will need to enter the ‘driveline number entrance’ located at SW entrance of 1102. This is
the only location numbers are entered. Please make sure you go to the end of the line on Robert
J. Mathews and wait to enter. Once you have entered your driveline number will be taken and
you will split off and merge into the red zone line. The bluezone families will continue towards
the blue zone. (See Maps). If you enter the red zone without going through this entrance your
scholar's number at bluezone will not be called and will dramatically hold up the driveline.
After picking up your 7th or 8th grader, AND you need to go to 1104 for elementary: You
will be directed right out of the 1102 parking lot. Your numbers will have already been entered
for your family key so your elementary scholar will have already come out to the 1104 loading
area. We are not allowing scholar walkers between buildings during the driveline. You will
merge into the blue lane near the 3 way stop in between both buildings. Please reference our blue
lane instructions for details on how to properly pick up your elementary scholars and how to exit.
On Fridays use the blue zone first because secondary scholars all get out after elementary.
Picking up highschool after elementary: Please reference the Blue Zone policy first. After
leaving 1104, instead of exiting onto RJM, you will turn left onto the 1102 northwest entrance
and stack in the back waiting area.
NOTE For Friday (minimum day) secondary: On Fridays/Minimum days all secondary get
out at the same time of 1:00pm. We will not be entering numbers in red but will be opening up
the back for stacking at the same time as elementary(approximately 12:10pm).
Exiting Campus for every family: Exiting campus can happen in a number of ways. We ask
families to please use the exit that is least congested. If one way is backed up, please use the
other way and vice versa. This creates a ‘stabilizing’ effect that releases the pressure of traffic.
Please be considerate of the families behind you. Waiting for the ‘closest’ exit may not always be
the best scenario. Utilize the least congested route, even if it's a longer route to exit.

come off Latrobe business park entrance #2 or #3. (Look for the big green sign with the white
number 2 or 3 on it). Our goal is to get our traffic off of Latrobe as much as possible.
Dropping off in the morning M-F: After coming to the stop sign on Robert J. Mathews (RJM)
and Investment Blvd. Follow RJM through and come to the next 4 way stop. Follow RJM down
until you reach the southwest entrance to the 1102 parking lot. This is the highschool and middle
school building. Follow the arrows and circle around to the northeast entrance of 1102. You will
follow the road right towards 1104. Drop off has 2 options to choose until 8:13am. Please use the
least congested option. If arriving after 8:15am, your scholar will be considered tardy and
escorted to the cafeteria, to wait until the flag ceremony is over. The parent/guardian will be
required to sign the late scholar form at the vehicle.
Picking up in afternoon M-F: We will be waiting at the stop sign located at the 4 way stop of
Investment BLVD and RJM. We are planning to release cars at approximately 2:15pm
Monday-Thursday & approximately 12:10pm on Fridays to enter the school Driveline. (Waiting
at the stop sign will not be necessary for AM drop off.) Remember: Do not block fire hydrants,
red zones and business entrances. If stopped and waiting, please pull to the far right of the road,
to allow other traffic to proceed.
When released for pick up at the stop sign of Investment Blvd and RJM, (NO release
necessary for drop off) we will be stacked up on our property for the remainder of the time
before school is out. This is to utilize as much of our property as possible, and get traffic off of
public streets. When released for Elementary, you will follow RJM to the southwest most
entrance of our 1102 property. After taking the left you will divide into two lanes. You will
remain in two lanes until you reach the 4 way stop at the northeast edge of our 1102 property.
Somewhere along this line you will have your numbers entered and be diverted back into 1 lane.
From here, follow the directions to the Loading/Unloading area. (Please refer to maps)
We stop entering numbers at 3:05pm M-Th and 12:50pm Friday. After this time, all
remaining scholars will come to the driveline and wait, regardless if you have arrived yet.
pull all the way forward to fill any extra space in the loading zone. This greatly reduces driveline
time. It is your scholars responsibility to be looking for their car.
Exiting Campus for every family: Exiting campus can happen in a number of ways. We ask
families to please use the exit that is least congested. If one way is backed up, please use the
other way and vice versa. This creates a ‘stabilizing’ effect that releases the pressure of traffic.
Please be considerate of the families behind you. Waiting for the ‘closest’ exit may not always be
the best scenario. Utilize the least congested route, even if it's a longer route to exit.
NOTE: If you are picking up High School after elementary : You will take the left onto 1102
property, then follow ‘Red Zone’ instructions.

GREEN ZONE (closed Fridays)
(11:15a.m. Monday through Thursday - Kinder and TK)
detailed and specific depending on days of week and times of day.
Getting to campus: Every family is asked specifically to come off Latrobe business park
entrance #2 or #3. (Look for the big green sign with the white number 2 or 3 on it). Our goal is to
get our traffic off of Latrobe as much as possible.
AM drop off M-F & PM drop off Friday only @ 745am: Same Drop off as Blue Zone; Refer
to Blue Zone maps. After coming to the stop sign on Robert J. Mathews and Investment Blvd.
Follow Robert J. Mathews (RJM) through and come to the next 4 way stop. Follow RJM down
until you reach the southwest entrance to the 1102 parking lot. This is the highschool and middle
school building. Follow the arrows and circle around to the northeast entrance of 1102. You will
follow the road right towards 1104. Drop off has 2 lanes to choose until 8:13. If arriving after
8:15, your scholar will be escorted to the cafeteria, to wait until the flag ceremony is over. The
parent/guardian will be required to sign the late scholar form at the vehicle.
AM pick up M-Th and PM drop off M-TH @11:15 AM: After coming to the stop sign on
(RJM) and Investment Blvd. Follow RJM through and come to the next 4 way stop. Take this left.
You will see 1102 on your right. Follow this east until you reach a 3 way stop. Follow this
forward to our 1104 building. Remain in one lane of traffic until you enter the 1104 property. If
picking up, you will take an immediate left in the parking lot and split off. (Follow arrows and
refer to map). If dropping off, turn left along the black fence to the drop off zone. This splits up
drop off and pick up into two lanes and locations. You will merge back into one lane after the
pickup and drop off zone. Please refer to the Green Zone map.
Exiting Campus for every family: Exiting campus can happen in a number of ways. We ask
families to please use the exit that is least congested. If one way is backed up, please use the
other way and vice versa. This creates a ‘stabilizing’ effect that releases the pressure of traffic.
Please be considerate of the families behind you. Waiting for the ‘closest’ exit may not always be
the best scenario. Utilize the least congested route, even if it's a longer route to exit.
PM pick up Monday-Friday & AM pick up Friday only: Same Drop off as Blue Zone; Refer
to Blue Zone maps. We will be waiting at the stop sign located at the 4 way stop of Investment
BLVD and RJM. We are planning to release cars at approximately 2:15 Monday-Thursday &
approximately 12:10 on Fridays to enter the school Driveline. (Waiting at the stop sign will not
be necessary for AM drop off.) Remember: Do not block fire hydrants, red zones and business
When released for pick up at the stop sign of Investment Blvd and RJM, (NO release
necessary for drop off) we will be stacked up on our property for the remainder of the time
before school is out. This is to utilize as much of our property as possible, and get traffic off of
public streets. When released for Elementary, you will follow RJM to the southwest most
entrance of our 1102 property. After taking the left you will divide into two lanes. You will
remain in two lanes until you reach the 4 way stop at the northeast edge of our 1102 property.
Somewhere along this line you will have your numbers entered and be diverted back into 1 lane.
From here, follow the directions to the Loading/Unloading area. (Please refer to maps)
We stop entering numbers at 3:05 M-Th and 12:50 F. After this time, all remaining
scholars will come to the driveline and wait, regardless if you have arrived yet.
car. You must pull all the way forward to fill any extra space in the loading zone. This greatly
reduces driveline time.
NOTE: If you are picking up High School after elementary: Proceed back down the hill
towards 1102 and enter the 1102 property before getting to RJM. Please refer to Red Zone
directionals and maps.
Exiting Campus for every family: Exiting campus can happen in a number of ways. We ask
families to please use the exit that is least congested. If one way is backed up, please use the
other way and vice versa. This creates a ‘stabilizing’ effect that releases the pressure of traffic.
Please be considerate of the families behind you. Waiting for the ‘closest’ exit may not always be
the best scenario. Utilize the least congested route, even if it's a longer route to exit.

When on campus, please abide by the established traffic flow patterns when dropping off or picking up scholars at John Adams Academy.
- For the safety of all scholars and staff, please leave pets at home during drop-off and pick-up.
- Never leave children unattended inside your vehicle for any reason or any duration of time.
Please help us keep all of our children safe by paying close attention to drop-off/pick-up guidelines to ensure the safety of each member of our community.
Please email [email protected] for more information.